Natsuki’s Inner Demons

{{Image_Textbox|image1 = C2E108C8-0E4F-43EF-840F-A74D29490A3E.jpeg|caption1 = WHAT I SAW IT WAS FRIGHTENING}}It was a dark night in my room. The air was cold so I had to put on my fingerless gloves. As I slide them on I take a glance at them. “Hm. Not bad.” I think aloud. Then I started up my new favorite game. Doki Doki literature club. I had already clocked over 350 hours into the visual novel because it’s such an extensive game. There’s so much to do, and it’s FREE so I did it have to use any of my birthday money. As I booted up the game, it gave me a message that I had never seen before. It said. “Ay Caramba”. I disregarded it because maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me. I played the game normally going about my usual business until the third day in. Natsuki was in early. I asked her “hello Natsuki why are you in so early” and she replied “oh no reason just don’t check the closet I put all my hentai manga in there hahaha!” I said “hahaha” to and went to sit at a desk and wait for my true love to show up, Yuri. As I waited for her to show up I glanced at my Yuri body pillow that lay on my bed. Her beautiful locks of violet hair were dangling to her side and she was blushing with a hand on her cheek. Just thinking about her made my penis stiff. So I paused the game and went over to give Yuri a hump. 2 minutes later I went back to play the game. Except once I resumed. Everyone had already arrived. This was strange because the game was paused and when I was playing before nobody else besides Natsuki was there. As I talked to Yuri as usual, Natsuki came into the frame but her skin was a bit paler then usual. I told Yuri I would be right back and went to talk to Natsuki. “Natsuki” I said. What is the matter you look a bit paler than usual”. She called me a dummy and went on to the closet went inside and closed the door. Then all of a sudden. Monika Sayori and Yuri all had REAL HAIR! I was taken aback and asked them what happened to them but then their eyes looked super realistic to! I ran to the closet to ask Natsuki for help but I slipped and fell on a big puddle of blood. When I got up I saw that the three girls were shooting streams of blood from there eyes and the blood was filling up the room and it was up to my ankles now so I opened the closet door and called out for Natsuki. “Natsu- OH MY GOD” I yelled. There was a grown man dead inside slumped over inside the closet and Natsuki was cutting off the mans arm and going to place it in a barrels. “I told you not to come in here dummy” she then got up and started singing a song I had never heard on this game before. She said. “Iv got some demons on me, they’ve been feeding off me” and she vored me. Then i got sucked into the computer. And was next to Natsuki who said “it doesn’t feel like a Wednesday”